
At Harmor Liquid Waste Solutions we have an immense depth of knowledge about the Mining industry. It is an industry in which the development and delivery of water treatment strategies relevant to each stage of the mining process is important, as is the need to tailor fit-for-purpose solutions for each and every differing mine site.

The environment is a key focus, whilst meeting stringent health and safety standards.

Harmor equipment and processes are continuously reviewed and updated to ensure the safety of our team and the efficiency of the work that we do.

Our services for mining and quarry sites include:

  • Emptying sumps in mines
  • Vacuum loading
  • High pressure water jetting
  • Drill rig support
  • Accomodation support- delivering potable water in and removing all wastes out
  • Sludge removal or treatment
  • Waste oil management
  • Spill response and clean up

For more information about our work with the mining industry, please contact us onĀ 1800 HARMOR.

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